
How to open a brand clothing store

How to open a brand clothing store

Video: How To Start A Clothing Line With $0 Dollars | Legit Step by Step Tutorial 2024, July

Video: How To Start A Clothing Line With $0 Dollars | Legit Step by Step Tutorial 2024, July

The competition in the clothing market is huge. It would seem: all the niches have long been occupied. However, new stores open every day. In order not to get burned out in this difficult business, you need not only to offer the buyer competitive prices, but also stand out from other stores.


You will need

  • - a budget sufficient to organize your own business

  • - a clear business plan

  • - specialist in branding and advertising

Instruction manual


It is impossible to open your own branded clothing store without significant investment. Indeed, for the brand, as you know, you have to pay. Based on your financial capabilities, you need to draw up a clear business plan, which should reflect the costs of opening a store, possible profits and the projected payback of your business. Key cost points: - rental of premises for the store;

- repair, design and decoration of the store;

- if necessary, rent a room for a warehouse;

- purchase of a batch of clothes;

- salaries to store employees;

- store advertising;

- state registration of the enterprise.


The next step will be the transition from plans to action: the search for a suitable room, its repair and equipment for the needs of the store. Also correlate correctly the price category of brand clothes with the scope of the store itself and its future location: it will be difficult to sell expensive brands at appropriate prices in a tiny store located in a residential area. For you, the location will play a decisive role, it is best to find a room in the central area, not far from other stores of the same price category. It is important that it is easy to drive to the store by car, there should be parking nearby, because your potential customers are wealthy people, most likely having their own car.


Repair and design of the store, a high-quality decorated showcase is your calling card. In most cases, customers decide whether or not they need to go to a particular store in the storefront. In parallel, search for a clothing supplier, and do not forget that the supplier must provide you with all the necessary documents and certificates of compliance. Of course, bulk purchases will cost less than buying from different suppliers in small batches.


While the work on opening the store is in full swing, you need to officially register your business, for this you need to choose the right type of activity: IP or LLC. The first option for a start will be more profitable and simpler: - you can switch to a simplified taxation system;

- less requirements for financial statements;

- you will not be property for your activity. But when the business begins to gain momentum, it will be possible to switch to another type of activity. There are many organizations that will not only explain everything in detail to you, but for a fee will help you complete all the necessary documents.


Next is to think about advertising. The store will need promotions and sales, and perhaps a catchy slogan or even a brand, depending on the size of the store and budget opportunities. You must clearly understand who your potential customers are, and depending on age and interests, choose the most suitable channel for advertising distribution: - TV advertising;

- radio advertising;

- Internet advertising;

- printable advertisement;

- advertising on transport.


The final touch before opening the store will be the search for employees, preferably with solid experience. You will need at least one cashier, one sales assistant, and most likely an accountant. Salaries to employees are best set as the minimum fixed + percentage of sales. Thus, your employees will be personally interested in the success of the store. Buyers of expensive branded clothing are people with high demands, accustomed to good service, experienced staff.


Be prepared for the fact that your business will not soon bring real profit. Most likely you will also invest the first profits in the further development of the store.

Useful advice

It is worth considering a system of rewarding regular customers. After all, it’s not enough to lure a client with a one-day promotion, you need to keep him. Loyal customers will serve you as the main source of profit, as well as word of mouth.
