
How to open foreign language courses

How to open foreign language courses

Video: How does my Foreign Language Background fit at CIA? 2024, July

Video: How does my Foreign Language Background fit at CIA? 2024, July

The number of people who want to learn foreign languages ​​is growing from year to year, since knowledge of foreign languages ​​is now required for almost any job. Therefore, it is profitable to open foreign language courses, but you must have competitive teachers and good advertising, since there are many foreign language courses in Moscow and other large cities.


Instruction manual


In order to open foreign language courses, it is necessary to obtain a license for educational activities in the territorial educational authority. To obtain such a license, it will be necessary to collect a sufficiently large package of documents relating to the registration of the premises for courses, teachers and their qualifications. The full list is best recognized in the education department itself, as there may be many nuances. You can register as an individual entrepreneur, legal entity or non-profit educational institution.


It’s important to come up with a catchy name for the courses. This seemingly trifle will attract customers in the first stage. Without the first stage, there may not be everyone else. The name should be catchy, memorable and reflect the specifics of the activity (for example, a name like "Krugosvet" will most likely be associated with a travel agency, but not with foreign language courses).


The room for the courses should be, firstly, convenient for classes, and secondly, it should be located in an accessible place for most people. Foreign language courses located somewhere 5 km from the Moscow Ring Road are unlikely to be popular, because it will be difficult for people to go there after work or to carry children.


When choosing teachers for courses, focus on the target audience. If you open foreign language courses for students, it is better to take school teachers as teachers, since they know how to work with children. For business English courses, we need, rather, teachers who have experience working in such courses, or just people who know business English well (graduate students, specialists who have had experience living in England and working in a company, etc.).


Foreign language courses need advertising to attract customers and a good site. The site should contain all the necessary information about the courses, as well as about the teachers, and the advantages of studying in your courses should be clearly visible. Advertise on the Internet - on professional forums, online dictionary sites, on social networks. Also a good and inexpensive way of advertising is the distribution of leaflets in places where your potential customers are (at schools and lyceums, offices of large international companies, etc.).
