
How to open a candy store

How to open a candy store

Video: Why start a candy store? | Entrepreneur Confessions 2024, July

Video: Why start a candy store? | Entrepreneur Confessions 2024, July

One of the most popular and delicious business projects can be the opening of your own candy store. Sweets never lose their customers, therefore, such shops with goodies, as a rule, always have stable demand.


You will need

  • - Charter;

  • - memorandum of association;

  • - protocol, position, decision on the creation of the organization, on the appointment of the director;

  • - certificate of state registration as a legal entity;

  • - certificate of registration with the tax authority;

  • - Goskomstat codes;

  • - extract from the register;

  • - documents certifying the assortment list and volume of goods sold, transportation conditions, place of sale of food products;

  • - commodity accompanying document;

  • - invoice indicating the time, date of manufacture, period of sale of perishable products;

  • - a document certifying the right to use the premises;

  • - personal medical book, warning ticket about sanitary violations.

Instruction manual


The first thing you should do is go to the candy stores of your competitors under the guise of an ordinary buyer. Pay attention to how shops are decorated, what kind of sweets and at what prices the shelves are filled. Ask sellers for the names of the products that are most in demand. Thus, you will identify up to 10-20 types of sweets that are worth buying in your store at the very beginning. And, having found out the pricing policy of competitors, you can make the prices of your sweets lower, which will immediately attract buyers to you.


Choose the right room for your store. It should be comfortable, but at the same time spacious. Do not forget that storing sweets and other sweets requires a lot of space, and over time the range will increase. Therefore, rent a room "for growth." It can be located both in a noisy shopping center and in a separate building.


Convenient for both you and customers will be the format of the store as a "supermarket". People will be able to freely walk between candy racks, look at the variety of assortment and pick up the goodies they like in the basket. And you, in turn, save on sellers.


As for the sellers themselves, it is not bad if they will be knowledgeable at a high level. It is advisable to know all the names, to be able to build a scale of popularity of certain types of sweets. It will also be useful if the seller gets acquainted with his product, because having tried it personally, he will be able to more accurately and colorfully describe the taste and composition, advise exactly what the buyer needs.


First, buy about 30 types of chocolates and up to 15 types of caramel. You can also add other sweets to the assortment of the store: cookies, ice cream, halva, marmalade. Next, you will understand which species are worth buying more, which ones to list, and which to get rid of. With the right approach and attention to customers, your store should expand and prosper.


Thanks to the colorful wrappers, the store’s interior needs only to be supplemented so that it emphasizes and draws all the eyes of the customers specifically to sweets. Therefore, you should prefer a monochromatic design in bright pastel colors with small interesting accents: photographs, pictures, paintings.


Collect the entire list of documents for opening a store, get permission to trade. Buy and register a cash register, hire sellers, and find suppliers. After all the procedures, feel free to proceed with the sale of products that will delight both children and adults.

Useful advice

Be sure to familiarize yourself with all the laws and regulations whose requirements must be observed in retail.

Documents for opening a store
