
How to open a pastry shop

How to open a pastry shop

Video: 9 Reasons Why Bakeries Fail 2024, July

Video: 9 Reasons Why Bakeries Fail 2024, July

Conducting a confectionery business is considered to be a rather difficult task. This is due to the specifics of the goods being sold, in addition, there is quite a lot of competition in this business, sales markets, and it is not so easy to find a place.


Instruction manual


At the initial stage, the required investments can reach $ 100, 000. This includes the purchase of the necessary equipment (electric stoves, dough mixers, creamers, pastry tables, etc.), rental of premises with an area of ​​at least 200 m², purchase of raw materials and registration of permits. In addition, without personal vehicles, to deliver products to points of sale, also can not do. Depending on the size of the settlement in which the confectionery opens, the cost of acquiring transport can amount to tens of thousands of dollars.


When selecting personnel, it is necessary to take into account the range of products and the number of stores with which work will be organized. The confectionery can consist of 10 - 15 people, including a team of highly qualified confectioners (the quality of products mainly depends on them), a baker and his assistant, as well as a customer service manager and order service employees. It is very important to choose an experienced and qualified manager, as it is he who will negotiate with all the customers of the confectionery.


You need to take care of the markets in advance. At the initial stage, when the volume of production is not very large, you need to establish work with small shops. With the expansion of the assortment, as well as stabilization of production and quality control of products, you can begin cooperation with large retail chains.

You can also engage in the production of exclusive products, performing it on order. In this case, you can organize your own company stores or rent premises in other stores.


Even having its own network of stores, serial production (cakes and pies) should be at least ¾ of the total. A large number of exclusive cakes made using natural products will be difficult to sell because of their high cost. In addition, this ratio will best suit the needs of most customers.
