
How to Open a Fruit and Vegetable Stall

How to Open a Fruit and Vegetable Stall

Video: Digital Brisbane - Small Business Series - Charlie's Fruit Market 2024, July

Video: Digital Brisbane - Small Business Series - Charlie's Fruit Market 2024, July

To open the Fruit and Vegetables kiosk, you must register a legal entity (or become an entrepreneur without a legal entity), find a place, put in place a design, purchase equipment, and get permission, hire staff and start up the goods. But, like in any business, there are nuances.


You will need

  • - legal registration;

  • - a place;

  • - construction;

  • - permission;

  • - equipment;

  • - product;

  • - staff.

Instruction manual


Analyze the movement of pedestrian flows in the place where you are going to put pussies. If the district administration offers a choice of several points, choose the one located next to the multi-storey buildings - there is a higher concentration of potential buyers. Remember that fruits and vegetables are most often bought near your home, not near your work. In the business part of the city, a kiosk will not bring the desired profit.


Write a business plan. Do not discount that the business you are opening is not as large as a full-fledged store. In order to subsequently receive maximum income, it is also important here to plan everything correctly. Provide a descriptive part in the business plan, which should consist of an analysis of the competitive environment (who is selling similar goods within walking distance from your point), directions of pedestrian flows (where public transport stops), seasonal assortment. The financial part may contain information about the estimated constant and variable costs, as well as planned revenues and trade margins. Marketing part - discounts and other promotions designed to attract local residents.


Build the structure, purchase and arrange commercial equipment. Most likely, you will only need showcases and racks, as well as a cash register and scales. But it all depends on whether you are going to offer pickles, marinades, vegetable salads and other similar products that need a low temperature. Obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor and Fire Inspection.


Find suppliers - ideally, for one assortment name you should have at least two of them. Moreover, the goods must come to the city in different ways. Thus, you can avoid interruptions with a particular product, which is especially true on the eve of the holidays.


Make a staff list, hire staff, deliver and lay out the goods. If its quality meets consumer standards, and you have correctly approached pricing, then on the first day you will have buyers.
