
How to open a branch of a company

How to open a branch of a company

Video: How to Open Multiple Branches | Make More Money | Urdu Hindi Punjabi 2024, July

Video: How to Open Multiple Branches | Make More Money | Urdu Hindi Punjabi 2024, July

Opening a subsidiary or branch of an enterprise can be very profitable for a common business and increase current income several times. Care should be taken in the process of its establishment and registration.


Instruction manual


Make a business plan for the future institution, determine the direction of the subsidiary. Notify local authorities about the opening of a branch in the manner prescribed by the Regulation on the registration of business entities. Within 10 days, you will be notified of the registration of the branch on a state basis.


Fill out the necessary documents for opening a branch. For this, it is necessary to coordinate the issue of the location of the branch with the relevant executive committee of the local council; provide information about the branch to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations, according to the requirements of your area; register the branch with the authorities that control the payment of fees, taxes and other mandatory payments.


Contact the bodies of the State Tax Service for the registration of the branch within twenty days from the receipt of the relevant documents. Register the branch with the Pension Fund in accordance with the Instruction on the procedure for calculating and paying pension insurance contributions by organizations, institutions, enterprises and citizens. After the branch is registered with the Pension Fund, a permit is issued for opening an account with a bank.


Register the branch in the bodies of the Social Insurance Fund according to the Instruction on the procedure for receipt, accounting and expenditure of funds for social insurance. Register in the bodies of the State Employment Service. In addition, you will need to take out insurance against accidents and occupational diseases at work, and obtain permission to make seals and stamps.


Register a branch account with the bank. Hire employees under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Approve the financial development plan of the enterprise, and it will be completely ready for work.

how to open a company branch
