
How to open a children's pool

How to open a children's pool

Video: 10 Bizarre Things People Found in Their Pool 2024, July

Video: 10 Bizarre Things People Found in Their Pool 2024, July

The children's pool can become both an independent business project, and an addition to an existing fitness or wellness center. Such a project can quickly pay off if you correctly draw up a business plan.


Instruction manual


Explore market needs. This can be done with the help of a hired marketer or by yourself. The goal of this process is to determine whether your city needs a children's pool, or whether existing sports facilities fully cover the needs of residents.


Find a source of funding. If you already have your own business, take a loan for its development. For entrepreneurs just starting out, the best option is to search for a private investor, since the chance to get bank financing for a new business is very small.


Find a suitable room. Its dimensions depend on the area of ​​the proposed pool. If you plan to open a full-fledged sports facility, you will need a building with an area of ​​at least 2000 square meters. For a small pool for infants, naturally, a smaller area is needed.


Find a construction company that will implement the project. Do not save at this stage of starting a business - it can be considered key. Contact only companies that have established themselves in the market and are known for their financial stability.


Buy pool equipment. It depends on the specifics of your wellness complex. you can equip swimming paths in the children's pool, and you can also install water rides, such as slides. Pay particular attention to the purchase of a water treatment system. Give preference to a more progressive method than chlorination - ozonation, which will increase the popularity of the pool among parents. After all, water after ozonation does not harm children's and adult skin.


Get all the necessary permits to get started. In particular, it will be necessary to conclude a fire inspection and SES on the compliance of your facility with all the rules of the law.
