Business management

How to reject an auction request

How to reject an auction request

Video: eBay Tutorial - How To Cancel or Retract A Bid On eBay 2024, July

Video: eBay Tutorial - How To Cancel or Retract A Bid On eBay 2024, July

The placement of government orders and the holding of auctions for participation is regulated by Federal Law No. 94-ФЗ "On the placement of orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, and the provision of services for state and municipal needs." The Federal Antimonopoly Service monitors compliance with the law. An order is placed as an auction, which since 2011 has been held on electronic platforms. Non-compliance of the quotation application with the established requirements may cause its rejection.


Instruction manual


The basis on which the conformity of quotation requests is checked is a notice on the conduct of a quotation request. The customer has the right to reject the application if it does not meet these requirements. In addition, the reason for the rejection may be the cost of services and the price of the goods, which will exceed the maximum value specified in the notice of the request for quotations.


According to the letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation dated 08.19.2009 No. 13613-AP / D05, the commission may reject an application for an auction if the customer in the application indicated all the necessary details for transferring the funds providing the application, and the participant did not attach the documents to the package submitted to participate in the auction, a payment order confirming the transfer.


An application can also be rejected if the payment order or a copy of it is attached, but the details of the participating company indicated in them do not correspond to those indicated in the documentation. When the payment amount is less than that specified in the application, the participant is also withdrawn and is deprived of the right to participate in the auction.


When the auction documentation has established in electronic form a requirement to indicate the supplier’s trademark, even if the customer does not present this requirement, the application may be rejected. This follows from article 41.8, part 4 of the Law on Public Procurement.


Another reason for rejecting the auction application will be a violation of the Federal Law "On Electronic Digital Signature". A quotation application filed in the form of an electronic document is signed by an electronic digital signature (EDS) of an authorized person. If there is no EDS, the application will not be considered legitimate, and you have the right to reject it, because without this the customer cannot recognize the equivalence of the EDS and the applicant’s signature made in person, in accordance with Art. 4 of the specified law.


An application for an electronic auction may be rejected if there is a shortage of funds in the participant’s personal account. Their amount should be no less than the established size of the security for the application.

  • Federal Law of July 21, 2005 N 94-ФЗ On Placement of Orders for the Supply of Goods
  • how to reject an auction participant
