
How to organize an exhibition-sale of honey

How to organize an exhibition-sale of honey

Video: Prepare Honey For Selling (Beekeeping) 2024, July

Video: Prepare Honey For Selling (Beekeeping) 2024, July

The exhibition and sale of honey has several goals. The supplier gets the opportunity to introduce potential buyers to the whole range of their products, and the buyer can choose from many varieties the one that suits him best. An exhibition-sale of honey can be organized at a grocery store, as part of an agricultural exhibition. The organizers can be the clubs of beekeeping, horticulture or alternative medicine.


You will need

  • - data on suppliers;

  • - approximate assortment;

  • - premises;

  • - promoter;

  • - disposable tableware;

  • - booklets.

Instruction manual


Define the goals of the sales exhibition. First of all, take care of the buyer. He should be able to get acquainted with the exhibits, as in any exhibition. At the same time, he should want to buy something. The supplier's goal is to make a statement about itself and establish or strengthen business contacts with potential intermediaries. If you organize an event in a store, then he also has his own interest. The seller wants to expand the circle of customers, even if they are primarily interested in a particular product.


Find out how many honey producers in your area and what varieties of this product they have. It is very good if one of them wants to sell other beekeeping products - bee bread, propolis, royal jelly, etc. It is possible to negotiate with booksellers, if they have literature on beekeeping.


Consider whether it is possible to attract honey producers from other regions. For a small exhibition-sale in a store or club, this is not necessary. But if the event is held as part of an agricultural conference or during a big holiday - why not do it? However, in this case, you need to take care of the placement of participants in advance.


Name the event. The title should reflect what exactly the visitor can see and buy at the exhibition-sale. If you invite beekeepers only from your region, the exhibition may be called "Honey of the Moscow Region" or "Altai Honey". If other beekeeping products are presented there, specify the name.


Think about product placement. The buyer should see it well and be able to try it. If you hold a honey fair at a grocery store, it should not interfere with other customers. The windows filled with jars of honey, filled with the usual products, will not only not attract attention, but may distract the regular customers of the outlet. For an exhibition and sale of honey, it is better to allocate a separate place.


Place at least one table with several open jars of honey, as well as several shelves. Try to present packaged honey in jars and in bulk. On separate tables, other beekeeping products and literature may be presented.


Take care of one-time spoons or chopsticks. A honey supplier usually has one, but it’s best to stock up. The visitor should be able to try the product he liked. The supply of plastic containers will not hurt either.


Organize an advertising campaign. It may not be very loud, but potential visitors in any case should find out where and when there will be an exhibition and sale and what can be bought on it. Post ads to local newspapers, television, and the city forum. You can make posters. On them write the name, time and date of the exhibition-sale, an approximate assortment. Print or order flyers and ask permission to put them on the shelves in the nearest outlets.


The promoter should not only be attractive in appearance, but also have at least a minimal idea of ​​the properties of different varieties of honey.

Useful advice

It is very helpful to contact the local government's consumer market development department. There they will tell you exactly where and in what time frame it is better to organize your event. Exhibition-sale can be included in the plan of city business exhibitions and fairs.

Some time before the opening of the exhibition-sale, you can give several articles in newspapers about the properties of different varieties of honey and about how other beekeeping products are useful.

For the exhibition and sale, you can prepare a small advertising booklet, which talks about different varieties of honey and other beekeeping products.
