
How to organize a management company

How to organize a management company

Video: How to Write a Business Management Organization Plan for Your Business 2024, July

Video: How to Write a Business Management Organization Plan for Your Business 2024, July

To organize a management company, it is important to correctly determine the niche that you are going to occupy. It is impossible to manage the restaurant business and the enterprise of an engineering complex equally well. Therefore, to start, conduct market research on the subject of market conditions in your area.


You will need

  • - results of marketing research;

  • - staff;

  • - marketing plan;

  • - sales plan.

Instruction manual


Decide which enterprises most often resort to the services of external managers. Choose from them those that are the subject of your competencies. For example, if you have many years of experience working with chain stores and are well aware of all the business technologies that occur in large retail, it makes sense to choose the appropriate specialization for the management company.


Make a list of business processes of the selected industry and the personnel involved in managing them. Proceed with the formation of competency maps of future employees. Do not try to use typical job descriptions downloaded from the Internet. As a rule, they were compiled about 10 years ago, much of what is written in them is already morally obsolete. Modern business dictates its requirements, for example, with regard to automation systems. Promotion and advertising have also reached a whole new level.


Develop staffing and necessary provisions for the future management company. Then proceed to the search for employees. Will your business be their main place of work or it will be more convenient for you to work with part-time workers - it depends on specific tasks. A number of posts, of course, does not allow overlaps. But, say, a marketing or promotion manager may well work for you part-time.


Conduct an interview in a relaxed atmosphere, having thought through the questions in advance. The management company needs highly qualified employees, so consider some elements that allow applicants to prove their skills. Cases for these purposes are a real find. Perhaps the specifics of your activity allows for some kind of trial tasks or something like that. Feel free to apply them. At the end of the interview, be sure to call the previous jobs of the job seekers and find out the opinions of former employers about them. Check applicants online. Staff is your main asset. It will be judged on your compliance.


Make a marketing plan. To learn about the management company, you must somehow inform the market about yourself. In this case, one of the best ways would be to organize a press conference with representatives of business media. Prepare for them a package of documents describing the situation in the industry. Outline the most problematic places of its development. Pick statistics - analytic data always adds value to interviews or other material published in the business media. With the help of such publications, you are likely to be able to "reach out" to potential customers. Further, everything will depend on your ability to present your management company.
