
How to organize knitwear

How to organize knitwear

Video: BEST WAY To Fold Sweaters & Hoodies | KonMari Method | Step by Step | SAVE SPACE 2024, July

Video: BEST WAY To Fold Sweaters & Hoodies | KonMari Method | Step by Step | SAVE SPACE 2024, July

The production of knitted clothes, if this is not a handicraft workshop, requires expensive equipment and large areas for which not every aspiring entrepreneur has the means. But a small clothing production workshop, unlike a workshop, has a chance to “promote” its own brand and reach the level of the all-Russian market.


You will need

  • - certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or legal entity;

  • -room with an area of ​​100 square meters;

  • -Set of universal and specialized sewing equipment;

  • - agreement with several suppliers of raw materials (fabrics and accessories);

  • -Two crews of workers (10 people each) and a clothing design engineer.

Instruction manual


Register as an individual entrepreneur or register a legal entity if your company has several co-founders. Rent a room, considering options from only 100 square meters, preferably with the ability to connect electricity on a production scale - with a voltage of 380 volts. The room must be in such a condition that it does not have to make major repairs - given the likely amount of rent, you can also spend money on this.


Explore the market for sewing equipment and decide what types of sewing equipment you would like to equip your workshop. All sewing equipment is divided into universal (sewing machines) and specialized (machines for performing any specific operations). You will probably need about 15-20 universal sewing machines, several overcasting machines and a semi-automatic button.


Agree with several wholesale fabric suppliers about cooperation - choose those that offer the most comprehensive assortment and do not require full prepayment. Check in advance each grade of purchased raw materials (fabrics) for compatibility with your equipment. Pay much attention to the procurement of accessories, try to select the parts that are most suitable for the models of knitted clothes that you produce, do not allow approximation.


Calculate the number of staff needed to service your facility. The optimal team consists of five seamstresses, two cutters and a foreman. To develop new models of clothing requires an experienced technologist. The services of other specialists (equipment adjuster, accountant) can be used as necessary, having agreed with them on part-time work.
