Business management

How to organize a gym

How to organize a gym

Video: Transform Your Basement Into a Home Gym | Home Becomes (Ep 2) 2024, July

Video: Transform Your Basement Into a Home Gym | Home Becomes (Ep 2) 2024, July

The gym provides services for a large mass of people, so for its creation it is necessary to be guided not only by theoretical knowledge. It is worth visiting the existing gym several times to see which exercise machines customers are most engaged in, and which without "much enthusiasm."


Instruction manual


Analyze the market conditions in your city. Determine how many gyms are already available and in which area you can open it so that there are no competitors nearby. Think about what kind of room you can organize on your premises. Maybe your potential clients would like to see in their own area a small gym, which works until late.


Make a business development plan for the future gym. In turn, in it describe the forecast of the success of the company. Then write down what risks may appear and how they can be prevented.


Calculate how much is needed to open a gym. Include in it: the cost of the necessary simulators, the amount of money for renting the premises, the cost of related products (towels, rugs), the salary of employees.


Find a suitable room, rent or buy it. If necessary, you can order a redevelopment project for this room for equipment installation. Coordinate this project in the administration of your city, in the state administration of architecture, in the fire inspection, as well as in the center of epidemiology and hygiene.


Pay attention to the basic requirements that apply to creating a gym: its area must be at least 100 m2, and it must also have a powerful ventilation system and an uninterrupted water supply system. Indeed, for example, without the presence of hot water in the shower, you can instantly lose most of your customers.


Register a company. To do this, write an application to state bodies and provide with it all the necessary documents (constituent documents, a business plan, documents on renting a room, technical documents for equipment). Pay the fee for considering your application, and attach the receipt issued to you when paying, attached to the above documents.


Hire specialized staff. After that you can place an advertisement about the opening of your gym and about the hours of its work.
