
How to organize your travel company

How to organize your travel company

Video: Organize Your Travel Business for 2021 2024, July

Video: Organize Your Travel Business for 2021 2024, July

Success in the tourism business depends heavily on experience and established relationships, which is why yesterday’s managers who have perfectly mastered the principles of work in this industry are often the owners of travel agencies. Therefore, if the problem of lack of experience is somehow solved, then to open a new company it remains only to solve a couple of organizational issues.


You will need

  • - a small office with an area of ​​20 square meters;

  • - a package of constituent documents;

  • - two tour sales managers;

  • - thoughtful marketing concept;

  • - A variety of advertising media.

Instruction manual


Start preparing for work by searching for a room - the future base for your travel agency, which will lease a considerable part of its potential income. A place for a travel agency is not of primary, but very important importance - the contingent of your customers should be formed including people passing by, especially if your services are designed for mass demand, and not for elite customers. A successful solution today can already be safely called the placement of a travel agency within the walls of a large shopping and entertainment center - and traffic there is high, and rental rates are often more acceptable, the main thing is to be able to organize a good communication system.


Fill out the documents necessary in order to become a full-fledged "white" company providing tourism services. Obligatory licensing of the activities of such companies has been canceled, so it will be enough to choose some legal form (even individual entrepreneurship is suitable) and provide the necessary package of documents. Already in the process of registration, it is important to clearly identify the types of activities that your company will engage in, and correctly indicate them in the constituent documents.


Invite tour sales managers well-known to you to work in your agency (if your past was also connected with tourism, then you probably know such people). Two managers usually work in a young travel company, directors are hired if the owner himself does not feel sufficiently experienced in the industry. It is possible that the hired manager will bring employees with him, in any case, it would be advisable for him to deal with the selection of personnel.


Develop a marketing concept that will allow your travel agency not to get lost among dozens of these and look attractive to customers. First of all, you need to find and emphasize some feature of your company that makes its services exclusive to some part of the target audience. The most obvious way is to offer tours that are in principle absent from other tourism providers. Having found your "highlight", you must then beat it in all the means of advertising available to you, up to promotions.

Secrets of the tourism business
