
How to arrange a parking

How to arrange a parking

Video: Parking Lot Design Hacks | Pass the ARE 5.0 2024, July

Video: Parking Lot Design Hacks | Pass the ARE 5.0 2024, July

The lack of parking in modern cities is felt more and more. The fleet is growing every day, but equipped parking spaces are clearly not enough. Vehicle owners are forced to leave their cars in the yards, which creates problems for residents and may be unsafe for vehicles. So with a competent approach to business, you can organize a parking lot, occupying this entrepreneurial niche.


Instruction manual


Get permission to lease land for parking. After a positive decision on this issue (which may require considerable time), conclude a lease for the site.


Prepare project documentation and go through an agreement with local authorities. If you have planned capital constructions in the parking lot, they must also be agreed with the authorities. After that, the documents will be submitted for registration to the Land Committee. Assign documentation to a qualified lawyer, so you save time, nerves and money.


Find a place for the future parking lot. For the equipment of the parking lot for 20 places, about 500 sq. m. area.


Get enclosing constructions: barriers, protections, columns, access limits, etc. Please note that the enclosing structures made of brick or concrete will cost much more. In addition to purchasing materials, also plan the cost of construction and installation works.


Organize a guard post. For this, a trailer or a used cabins is suitable. Hire staff, taking into account the round-the-clock work of the parking lot and the size of its working area.


Provide a small ad for your business. This may be ads posted at the entrances of nearby houses or ads "from person to person." Significant costs for conducting promotions will not be required, and you will not have a shortage of customers who want to arrange their own car.


Determine the cost of services for placing vehicles in your parking lot. Depending on the specific conditions, it can be 50-100 rubles per day. For a more accurate assessment, take an interest in the cost of services at the parking lots of potential competitors. With correctly set prices, parking will pay off in about a year and a half.

Parking business plan
