
How to organize your own production

How to organize your own production

Video: The Best Way to Organize Your Computer Files 2024, July

Video: The Best Way to Organize Your Computer Files 2024, July

Manufacturing is usually a very complex and difficult business. In addition to the direct sale of products, the business process of a manufacturing company breaks up into many small sub-tasks. To organize your own production, you must go through at least 8 steps.


Instruction manual


Explore the market you are about to enter. Capacity, major manufacturers and suppliers of similar products to you, distribution network, unreached sales locations.


Schedule sales. Determine how you can sell your products. Test on what conditions potential buyers are ready to cooperate with a new supplier. Explore future competitors' offers.


Based on the information received, make at least a rough business plan. Pay attention to the financial side of the organization and the launch of production. Estimate the amount of initial capital to start the activity. Think ahead to your tax system.


Find suppliers of raw materials. In addition to favorable purchase prices, try also to agree on the delivery of raw materials directly to the place of business by their transport.


Study what permits will be needed to open production. We are talking about licenses, certificates and other mandatory documents that must be obtained before the start of production. Consult the relevant government agencies: Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspection and others.


Find a room. The search for the future location of the production should be undertaken precisely after familiarizing yourself with the requirements of regulatory and supervisory organizations. Since often the production requirements apply to the room in which it is located. Do not forget about the technical and geographical characteristics of the room. Convenience of loading and unloading, the presence of access roads, proximity to traffic intersections, the number of storeys of the building, communications, power wiring - all this must be taken into account. Also, these factors affect the amount of rent / cost per square meter of the room.


Examine the labor market - make an initial staffing list and engage in the selection of personnel.


After the official registration of production and receipt of all permits, enter into an agreement with customers. Within a few months, your task is to systematically reach the planned volume of sales.
