
How to organize your own business

How to organize your own business

Video: How to Organize Your Business (Step by step!) 2024, July

Video: How to Organize Your Business (Step by step!) 2024, July

To start your own business, it is important to choose the form of legal registration, find a niche in which demand prevails over the offer, write a business plan. If the proposed company requires borrowed funds - you must from the very beginning clearly understand where you can get them and how you plan to give them back. Without a clear investment plan, they are unlikely to give a loan.


You will need

  • - registration of a legal entity;

  • - business plan;

  • - marketing plan.

Instruction manual


Consider a direction for your own business. Get permits, without it, entrepreneurial activity is prohibited at the legislative level. Create a business plan that includes descriptive, production, financial, and marketing parts. In particular, write down in detail the product or service that you intend to offer, the consumer audience - its demographic composition and preferences, why this audience should buy your product.


Mandatory display the market situation: the state of the market, in more detail - the selected industry, as well as describe the main competitors. For this description, the following scheme is recommended: the name of the organization, how many years it has existed in the market, what assets it has, how much it enjoys the interest of Central Asia, due to which this demand exists.


Rent an office or a production room. The requirements for them depend solely on the specifics of your business. In some cases, a room of 10-15 square meters located in a typical business center is enough. Other business options require large areas, approval of projects and obtaining permits. By the way, check if your business needs licensing.


Hire employees. When compiling a staffing table and deciding which positions and in which composition to reflect in it, be guided by the description of the main business processes. Relatively speaking, someone should develop the idea of ​​a product, someone should draw up a budget, produce, advertise, seek sales, consider taxes, etc. For each position, write a qualification description in which reflect all the competencies, requirements and responsibilities that are imputed to a potential employee. Do not strive to use typical job descriptions - they do not reflect the current state of affairs, as were compiled quite a long time ago and besides under an abstract business.


Start production or test the service. After making sure that everything works as it should, proceed with the promotion. As a rule, small businesses are more likely to use local advertising - for example, place it in regional newspapers, message boards, etc. This has a rational grain, but it all depends on the concentration of the audience that your product is designed for. For example, if you open an atelier for tailoring overalls for Chihuahua, it’s pointless to advertise the company in the district newspapers. Your potential consumers are very wealthy girls and young ladies who read mostly glamorous magazines. In general, the main requirement for advertising platforms is that they should be interesting to future buyers or customers.
