
How to organize funeral services

How to organize funeral services

Video: Making funeral arrangements: Tips and information from a funeral director 2024, July

Video: Making funeral arrangements: Tips and information from a funeral director 2024, July

A business associated with funeral services can both attract and repel at the same time. Some entrepreneurs do not want to open a funeral home because of superstitions or psychological barriers. However, this line of business is still very cost-effective and quite difficult to start.


You will need

  • - Start-up capital;

  • - premises;

  • - staff;

  • - business connections.

Instruction manual


Select the list of services that you intend to provide. This business includes several main areas: production and sale of ritual accessories, a full cycle of services for the organization of funerals, work with external organizations (morgues, religious institutions, police). Try to start with those services that do not require large investments.


Establish mediation with manufacturers of ritual accessories: coffins, wreaths, monuments. The most sought-after mid-priced items should be available. As for exclusive ritual accessories, it is advisable to ask manufacturers for catalogs and prices. You must clearly know for how long the necessary goods can arrive to the client. As a rule, for objective reasons, the buyer will not be able to wait more than 1-2 days.


Find a room for the agency. Its area depends primarily on the range of services you offer. You will need a warehouse, utility block, a hall for receiving visitors. In addition, take care of the presence of parking - both for customers and for hearse from your fleet.


Establish a contractual relationship with a number of organizations whose work is directly involved in the funeral process. First of all, you should have contacts in all cemeteries of the city and be able to organize the entire burial procedure - from booking a place for a grave to holding the funeral itself. Secondly, you will need certain contacts in the police, medical institutions, morgues. And finally, you must have a base of companies or independent specialists who can provide a number of services: embalming, makeup of the deceased, selection of clothing, musical accompaniment, organization of funeral services and commemoration.


Hire staff. Not everyone easily agrees to work in a funeral home. However, to find such specialists is still quite realistic. Your employees should be restrained, calm, ready for stressful situations.
