
How to organize a lottery business

How to organize a lottery business

Video: How to Start a Lottery Business | Including Free Lottery Business Plan Template 2024, July

Video: How to Start a Lottery Business | Including Free Lottery Business Plan Template 2024, July

After the prohibitions on installing slot machines in cities, the lottery business in Russia opened a second wind. But his organization is a rather painstaking undertaking, requiring serious financial analysis and calculation of all risks.


You will need

  • - company registration;

  • - registration with the tax authorities;

  • - a certificate of the presence or absence of arrears in the payment of taxes and fees (for issuing a license);

  • - license;

  • - printed tickets or electronic lottery machines;

  • - publication of the results of the lottery in the media;

  • - prizes.

Instruction manual


Before organizing a lottery, determine the circle of your potential customers, do market monitoring, draw up a business plan, or at least a preliminary feasibility study. Please note that according to the current legislation, at least 50% of ticket sales must be included in the prize pool. And you also need to pay for the labor of distributors, office rent, designer services, the issue of lottery tickets and more.


To organize a lottery business:

- register your company;

- put it on record in the tax service and social funds, Goskomstat;

- get a license (note, for its issuance you will need a certificate of lack of debt to the budget).

And proceed to the direct organization of the lottery!


There are two main possibilities for holding a lottery. The first involves the order and circulation of printed tickets with special security signs, the number of the circulation and the prize pool. The new Law "On Lotteries" turned lottery tickets into printing products of level "B", that is, each ticket should have a watermark, a micro font and a background grid of continuous lines. Therefore, only cooperate with printers licensed to manufacture counterfeit-proof printed materials.


The second opportunity to organize a lottery business is to purchase electronic lottery machines without printing tickets. By purchasing machines, you can save on printing tickets, so think about such an opportunity to organize a business.


Remember to also consider winning the lottery winner. He can find out about him immediately after the purchase or in the course of further drawing. Most lottery companies prefer an instant lottery, where the client has the opportunity to find out the result immediately after buying a ticket. It is very convenient for him. The advantage of instant lottery is also in a simpler licensing process. In addition, in the case of the instant lottery, you will save on the publication of its results in the media.


If you still intend to make a draw, decide on the media, where you will announce the results of the lottery. Buy airtime, newspaper space, etc.


It is forbidden to conduct a draw on the Internet: the Federal Tax Service, which oversees entrepreneurial activity, fears hackers.

Useful advice

Do not forget about the places where lottery tickets will be sold. Please note that you can sell lottery tickets only at specialized kiosks, branches of the FSUE Russian Post and Sberbank.

how to create a lottery in the internet
