
How to organize an accounting firm

How to organize an accounting firm

Video: How to Stay Organized at Work (in Public Accounting) | Organizing Multiple Projects | CAREER 2024, July

Video: How to Stay Organized at Work (in Public Accounting) | Organizing Multiple Projects | CAREER 2024, July

The accounting business has been and remains very popular for the market, since new enterprises are always opening up that need such services. Also, individuals and legal entities may be interested in them. To open this type of business, you need to work hard to achieve the goal.


You will need

  • - business license;

  • - documentation;

  • - start-up capital;

  • - premises;

  • - staff;

  • - Computers with Internet access.

Instruction manual


Find out if you are suitable for starting an accounting services business. There are many conditions that must be met to organize such a company. You must meet your qualifications and have good enough experience. You also need a special license to conduct such cases. It can be obtained only if you pass the test to determine your skill level. Gather all the necessary documentation and certify it with a notary, if necessary.


Define the target audience of your company. For any business, it is always important to know exactly who the client is and what he needs? Answer this question too. This will be the main task in the first stage. Analyze the market in the place where you live. Go to commercial sites and find out who now most needs such services. Perhaps this is medium or small business. And maybe large players and enterprises. Make a list of potential customers of your future company.


Calculate carefully the business plan of the project. Next, analyze how much money will be required to open a company. This list will include: premises, rent, computers, desks, other furniture, stationery, documentation, employee salaries, etc. After that, calculate the approximate initial profit after 1-2 months of work. If your market is in demand, then you will quickly recover the costs.


Gain experience by working at home for a while. If you do not know where to get the money to invest in the business or you are not satisfied with the conditions of the banks, then there is an excellent way out of this situation. Work for several months as a freelancer, providing accounting services. You only need a computer, Internet and free time. What is the advantage of this approach? Firstly, you will gain good work experience. Secondly, you can save up money to open your own business. Thirdly, you will have a free schedule for self-development.


Organize an office and staff. Once you have earned enough money, find a good office near existing business organizations. Hire a pair of helpers. If funds allow, then a few professional accountants.


Conduct a company advertising campaign. Now it’s important to make sure that other companies in the city know about your organization. To do this, make a simple site and start advertising it through contextual advertising on the Internet. Also give a few ads to your local newspaper and make a lot of business cards. Hand them out in all public places. Then soon customers will start calling you.
