Business Communication and Ethics

How to register a change of company name

How to register a change of company name

Video: How to Change a Company Name 2024, July

Video: How to Change a Company Name 2024, July

Often a company changes its name, this fact must be properly formalized and the necessary information and documents must be submitted to the tax inspectorate and insurance premium funds. You should notify the organization’s customers, suppliers, as well as the bank in which the current account is open, about the change of company name.


You will need

  • - company documents;

  • - Form p14001;

  • - forms of relevant documents;

  • - the seal of the enterprise.

Instruction manual


If an organization has several founders, they need to convene a council of participants and make a decision on changing the name of the enterprise, and then draw it up in the form of a protocol. This document should be signed by each of the participants in the company.


In the form p14001 on the first page, indicate the previous name of the company in accordance with the charter or other constituent document, enter the main state registration number, date of assignment. Write down your tax identification number and reason code for registering your organization. Check the box for naming information.


On sheet A of the application for amendments to the unified state register of legal entities, write the name of the legal form of the enterprise. Indicate the new name of the organization in full and in abbreviated form.


Assure the completed application to a notary public. Attach the necessary package of documents to it, namely: a charter with a new name, a receipt on payment of a state duty or a bank statement, an order to appoint a director of an individual, as well as a decision to create a company, a charter with the old name of the company, a copy of the certificate of assignment organization of tax identification number and main state registration number. Submit the above documents to the tax office should be the director general of the company.


Provide documents confirming the change of company name to the funds to which you transfer insurance premiums. Present them also to the bank in which you have a current account, renegotiate the contract, as the old one will be invalid.


Create notifications in any form for each counterparty. Attach to them a copy of the minutes of the constituent assembly or the sole decision of the sole participant, as well as the received certificates of the PSRN, TIN. Send to every buyer and supplier. Renew contracts with them.
