Business management

How to outsource

How to outsource

Video: How To Outsource: Hire Your First VA & Grow Your Virtual Team 4 Hour Work Week Style 2024, July

Video: How To Outsource: Hire Your First VA & Grow Your Virtual Team 4 Hour Work Week Style 2024, July

Outsourcing is the transfer by an organization of any business processes or functions of another organization. At the same time, companies conclude an agreement stating that the contractor agrees to maintain the smooth operation of the customer’s company. To make such services profitable, you need to responsibly approach the organization of outsourcing.


In Russia, company executives most often outsource the functions of accounting, organizing transportation, software and advertising services. These are very important functions of the enterprise, so you need to choose an outsourcing company carefully. Write on the sheet all the organizations and their contact details that work in your area. Before that, be sure to decide on the functions that you want to entrust to third-party companies. Talk with the leaders of outsourcing firms, for this use the phone or visit their office in person. Get information about the organization of work, payment, interaction with customers. To evaluate the positive and negative aspects of companies, read the reviews. After choosing a company, describe in detail to its manager what you want to get as a result. The contractor should know your goals, and based on this, set certain tasks. Suppose you want to transfer transport management functions to outsourcers. Your wishes may sound as follows: uninterrupted operation of vehicles, maintenance and repair, etc. When concluding an agreement with a company, you must identify the criteria by which you will evaluate the intermediate results of work. You can also ask employees of the outsourcing company to regularly provide you with reports on the work done. In a legal document, pay special attention to the subject of the contract, that is, you must describe in detail the entire list of services that fall on the shoulders of the outsourcing company. It is very important to indicate in the document the terms and procedure for paying for services, since there are frequent cases when outsourcers, after effective work, required to increase payment. In accounting, outsourcing payment services should be economically justified and documented. That is, the work of outsourcers should reduce production costs and increase profits. Only in this case can payment be included in expenses.
