
How to get a lease from an enterprise

How to get a lease from an enterprise

Video: HOTSHOT TRUCK LEASE - all questions answered 2024, July

Video: HOTSHOT TRUCK LEASE - all questions answered 2024, July

Some organizations use leased property owned by another company in their work. In general, the concept of "rent" stands for the transfer of property for temporary use for a fee. Based on this, it follows that the object remains in the ownership of the lessor. But the tenant must reflect this transaction in accounting. To do this, you need to properly issue a lease.


Instruction manual


Initially, you must draw up a lease, in which you will be held as a tenant, and the company that is the owner - the lessor. In this document, indicate the name of the property, the lease term, all the technical data of the object, also write down the inventory number of the fixed asset and the cost, which is very important for further accounting on your balance sheet.


After that, write down the amount and term of payment for the rental of property, and indicate the payment procedure, that is, if this is a bank transfer, then the details for which payment should be made should be indicated. Do not forget to specify the rental conditions, for example, who will pay for the repair, installation and other expenses. The contract is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains with the lessor, and the second with you.


You can also draw up a payment schedule, which will be an annex to the contract. In the main document, you need to make a link to this supplement. Also, the amount of payment can be fixed, that is, simply register the monthly rent.


After that, draw up the acceptance certificate of the fixed asset (form No. ОС-1). This form should contain information such as the date of receipt of the asset, the date of the last overhaul, the useful life, the initial and residual amount, the amount of depreciation. When transferring property, this document must be accompanied by all technical documents, for example, certificates, passports, instructions.


The property received under the lease, reflect the debit on the off-balance sheet account 001. When using the property, make the following entries:

- D20 "Main production", 26 "General expenses" or 44 "Costs of sale" K76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" - a fee is charged under a lease agreement;

- D19 "Value Added Tax on Acquired Values" K76 "Settlements with Various Debtors and Creditors" - VAT has been charged on rent;

- D68 "Calculations for taxes and duties" subaccount "VAT" K19 "Value Added Tax on acquired values" - accepted for deduction of VAT on rent;

- D76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" K51 "Settlement account" or 50 "Cashier" - a fee is charged under a lease agreement.
