
How to register a real estate agency

How to register a real estate agency

Every day there are more and more people who want to open their own real estate agency. This is due to the fact that in this business there is a rather low entry threshold and a high payback on creation costs. One of the main problems faced by beginners is the execution of relevant documents.


You will need

  • - documents;

  • - business plan;

  • - contracts.

Instruction manual


To register a real estate agency, first prepare and agree on a budget. Perform a SWOT analysis: highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the future company, its capabilities and threats. Prepare a business plan. Conduct marketing research of the territory where the agency will be located, as well as explore the risks of creating a real estate agency. Confirm each step with documents.


Pick the head of the future agency. Approve the motivation system for the leader and his subordinates and the rules for remuneration. Confirm all the relevant documents. Choose which option for your agency to be most appropriate for you. It can be LLC, CJSC, a separate company with a bank-client system, IP.


Contact the tax office and provide all the necessary documents. After registration in the tax please specify here what you should do next. Fill out all the legal documents that accompany the opening of a real estate agency.


Approve the adjusted business plan and budget. Pick up the heads of sales departments. Develop an online marketing plan for your agency. Develop criteria for controlling all types of activities of your company at all levels. Document all business processes.


Find an office space that fits your preferences. Enter into an office maintenance contract. Conclude agreements with companies involved in HVAC systems, laying computer and telephone networks, installing security systems and video surveillance. Indicate in the documents which of the office areas will be working areas, recreation areas and client areas. Conclude an agreement with a supplier of computers and office equipment to purchase its goods.


Enter into employment contracts with your employees. Sign an agreement with a training company that will train them. Create a reporting system (contractual, financial, accounting).


Correct paperwork of a real estate agency is the key to success. According to experts, only one out of five agencies succeeds in developing a successful business. One of the main problems of companies that have not achieved a high result are errors and inaccuracies made during paperwork.

Useful advice

Save documents at every stage of registration of a real estate agency, so that at the right time - for example, when you want to take a loan from a bank or a commission suddenly arrives, you can confirm the legality of your actions and the prospects of the company.
