Business management

How not to lose customers

How not to lose customers

Video: How to Lose Customers (and Alienate Amazing Clients) 2024, July

Video: How to Lose Customers (and Alienate Amazing Clients) 2024, July

Many companies spend impressive resources on attracting new customers. However, an equally important task is to keep existing ones. In order not to lose customers, it is necessary to implement a set of marketing methods.


You will need

  • - implementation of the CRM system;

  • - customer base;

  • - promotional events.

Instruction manual


Create a customer loyalty program. In marketing, there is a customer relationship management system - CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Choose for yourself one or more aspects of this direction, taking into account the specifics of the activity. CRM will allow you to analyze the effectiveness of working with clients, take into account the number of new ones and monitor the loyalty of existing ones.


Keep a customer base. If the specifics of your work involves too many visitors, including casual ones, focus on key customers. For everyone else, enter a more general accounting system. You can get data for your statistics through a voluntary survey. To make the client interested in filling out the questionnaire, offer him a discount card or a small gift in exchange. The database will help you to get an idea about the target audience, congratulate customers on the holidays, inform them about your news and promotions.


Perfect the service system in your company. Write down the requirements of corporate ethics, constantly train staff who communicate directly with visitors. Incorrect or incorrect conversation with a client is one of the key reasons why the latter may refuse your services. Make your communications system at the highest level.


At regular intervals, remind yourself of existing customers. SMS alerts, email newsletters, supportive advertising: these are just a few of the methods by which customers will not forget about you and will not go to competitors.


Remember that every dissatisfied customer will certainly share negative impressions of your company with his friends. Try to avoid such situations.
