Business management

How not to make a mistake when hiring a seller

How not to make a mistake when hiring a seller

Video: The Biggest Sales Mistake Salespeople Make 2024, July

Video: The Biggest Sales Mistake Salespeople Make 2024, July

It is a mistake to believe that any business depends only on the volume of investments and a clearly verified business plan. Even a brilliant economic strategy will be destroyed if the labor component of the enterprise does not live up to expectations. To avoid this, it is necessary to carefully select employees, especially in the field of trade.


The misconception that the seller is a profession for temporary employment has become widespread. Indeed, finding a worker who would take the trade craft seriously is a big and serious task. Behind the counter you can meet students of correspondence departments, as well as specialists who came to trade from other industries. However, the greatest demand in the personnel market is enjoyed by workers with experience in trading a specific product.

The best way to find a seller is to publish ads in specialized publications - bulletin boards, local newspapers, as well as on television. In order to attract the attention of qualified specialists, it is necessary to indicate in the message the direction of the store, the requirements for the availability of sanitary books, education (merchandising, etc.). It will be possible to get rid of unnecessary questions during the interview by indicating in the announcement information about the work schedule, salary and additional conditions for encouraging effective work.

It should not be forgotten that in accordance with the current legislation, it is forbidden to indicate the requirements for age, nationality, religion, etc. of the applicant in job advertisements. In this case, fines cannot be avoided by either the potential employer or the site that posted this announcement.

There are recruitment agencies that work with the employment of personnel for outlets. They usually contain a database of CVs of qualified sellers.

Interviews with potential candidates should be conducted directly at the point of sale, where the manager can introduce the seller to the work, as well as answer related questions. First of all, it is necessary to determine the front of work, namely, the duties that should be imputed to the employee: cleaning the premises, keeping goods in order, working with the cash register, working with the price list, maintaining a cash book, etc. All these requirements must be detailed recorded in the job description.

In addition, liability for improper performance of duties should be discussed. Namely, for shortage, failure to appear for working hours, delay, etc. The approved work schedule must be agreed in advance. This should also be notified to the potential seller. Most often, large shopping centers set a penalty for stores that either close the point without the knowledge of the administration, or are late with the opening. To save yourself from unnecessary difficulties in interacting with the landlord, you should specify the discipline framework established at the enterprise at the stage of employment.

After the interview, the main sympathies will begin to emerge, however, giving in to intuition is not safe. In the resume of each applicant, special attention should be paid to places of previous work and existing recommendations. If the applicant indicates the contact details of the former employer independently, then one should not rely on his integrity. It is better to find the phones of the enterprise and talk with the head and head of the personnel department.

Of great importance in employment is the presence or absence of a criminal record of the applicant. It should be borne in mind that the study of this information is most often the prerogative of internal security services, which, of course, exist only in relatively large companies. If there is no way to study the judicial history of the applicant, then you can try to find information by searching the site of the local court, including the arbitration. An applicant with a criminal record, say, for economic crimes, is unlikely to indicate this in a resume, but information about the judicial history will be stored in the archives. In this case, only the employer must decide whether to trust the work of such a specialist.
