
How to name an institution

How to name an institution

Video: Cracking Ancient Codes: Cuneiform Writing - with Irving Finkel 2024, July

Video: Cracking Ancient Codes: Cuneiform Writing - with Irving Finkel 2024, July

Are you going to open a restaurant, cafe, dining room or other catering establishment? You will have to solve many issues with permits, choose the right place, determine the target audience and format of the future institution. And, of course, pick the right name for him. Such that your future guests understand - this restaurant or bar was created just for them. How to find the same, "your" name?


Instruction manual


The choice of name is influenced by many factors. Audience, format, price level, proposed assortment - having decided on these things, you can start to come up with a name. But it’s better to select the interior and create the menu after the name of your institution is finally chosen. For example, if you decide to call the pizza restaurant "Mama Roma", most likely, you should do the interior in the style of European country, and on the menu focus on dishes of homemade Italian cuisine. And the institution, called "Bella Roma", will require a glamorous atmosphere and a large assortment of trendy cocktails.


Monitor existing titles. You should not choose a restaurant name that is very similar to that of a competitor restaurant. Guests will be confused. And, of course, in no case do not copy the name, even if you plan to open in another city. There were times when the owner of an institution that was opened earlier claimed the name, and restaurateurs were forced to rename their establishments.


If you settled on a foreign name, check how it sounds in Russian. Often a name that is perfect in meaning and looks beautiful on a sign, guests are simply not able to read it correctly. And sometimes in Russian, the original and interesting French or German phrase sounds just ridiculous.


If you are still attracted to a foreign name, write it correctly. There are many institutions in the regions whose signs are written with grammatical errors. Before registering the name of your restaurant or cafe, check the spelling with a dictionary, and better check the spelling rules for a person who is fluent in a foreign language.


An interesting option for choosing a name is to announce an open competition. This is much cheaper than attracting professional marketers, and the result is usually more interesting. The competition should be held among the target audience of your future institution. For example, students from nearby educational institutions will help you find the name for the student bar. The idea for the name of a family cafe will be suggested at the forum where young mothers communicate. Well, a certificate for visiting your future restaurant can be a prize for the author of the winner name.

how to name a cafe
