
What to call a construction organization

What to call a construction organization

Video: Construction Company Name Ideas ‐ Construction Company Name Generator 2024, July

Video: Construction Company Name Ideas ‐ Construction Company Name Generator 2024, July

The number of construction companies is increasing every year, so it becomes increasingly difficult for entrepreneurs to choose a company name. The first thing potential buyers will hear about your company will be its name. It is important to take a very responsible approach to his choice.


Instruction manual


Give company name selection due consideration. At first glance, it may seem that the name is not so important for the successful development of the business. However, this is not so at all, it can become an excellent advertisement or, conversely, nullify all your efforts to promote construction services.


Brainstorm among company employees. This technique will not necessarily lead you to the choice of a name, but it will definitely facilitate this process. Let all your employees gather in a relaxed atmosphere and take turns pronouncing the names that come to their mind. The main thing here is a complete lack of criticism: no proposal should be rejected or ridiculed. Write all the options on a piece of paper or on a special board.


Select the appropriate names from the list. Immediately cross out those proposals that repeat the names of competing companies. Next, consider which of the options are least associated with the construction industry and cross them out. Rewrite the remaining proposals and analyze whether they fit the following criteria.


The name of the construction company should be simple, short and memorable. Equally important is its light pronunciation. Agree, if the name of the company is difficult for its director to say, what to say about customers. The maximum number of words is 3.


Do not call the company foreign and incomprehensible words, especially if you are going to write the name in Cyrillic. Firstly, not all customers will understand what exactly your company is doing, and secondly, they are unlikely to spend their time finding a translation.


Stay within the construction industry by choosing a name. The person who first heard about your company should immediately understand what your business represents, how you can be useful to him. Therefore, it is better to abandon the names in which the names or surnames of the founders or directors and abbreviations appear.

name of construction organization
