Business management

How to name the company

How to name the company

Video: How to create a great brand name | Jonathan Bell 2024, July

Video: How to create a great brand name | Jonathan Bell 2024, July

Finding a name for a future enterprise is a difficult task, on which the success of your project can largely depend. By and large, you are free to choose any option and by any principle, with the exception of a number of legislative restrictions. But freedom of choice often just complicates the task.


You will need

  • - associative thinking;

  • - a computer;

  • - access to the Internet.

Instruction manual


Specialists in naming (selection of names) believe that the optimal principle that should underlie this process is based on the scope of the enterprise. The name should directly point to it, but be unbanal, recognizable.

Copying famous brands, especially in the field in which you plan to work yourself, should not be. Most likely, they are registered as a trademark, the use of which you simply prohibit. And even if not, an enterprise of the same name with a well-known brand and not involved in it is perceived a priori as solid.


The basis for finding the best option for the name may be working with a dictionary.

A good result is usually given by considering various associations that arise with the profile of your company and the specifics of its activities, occupied by a niche in the market, and the target audience of consumers.

Agree, it is not very reasonable to call "Elite" or "Prestige" a cheap eatery, and a funeral home - "Joy."


Often, additional title requirements may be relevant. For example, if the activity of a future enterprise involves placing in catalogs that are completed in alphabetical order, it is desirable that the name begins with one of the first letters, ideally with "a".


The name options will be nice to check for uniqueness using the service "Check yourself and the counterparty" on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. It is enough to fill in only the field for the name and drive it through all the subjects of the Federation or select only your own in the drop-down list.

If the search yields several dozens, or even hundreds of results, it’s worth considering whether to look for another option.


For all the apparent complexity, the task is not as impossible as it may seem. Moreover, it is very likely that a good option will be found where it was least sought.

The main thing only in the follow-up is not to forget that with insufficient attention to the quality of goods, products or services, even the most correct name will not help.
