Business management

How to name a computer store

How to name a computer store

Video: Computer Shop Name Ideas - Computer Shop Name Generator 2024, July

Video: Computer Shop Name Ideas - Computer Shop Name Generator 2024, July

A computer store is a profitable but challenging type of business. There are no trifles here and in order to achieve success and prosperity, you need to follow every detail. The name of the computer store is its business card. And his right choice is the key to success.


Instruction manual


When opening a computer store, it is necessary to take into account a lot of subtleties and features: establish work with suppliers, select and prepare a room, execute all permits, recruit and train staff, and much more. The purpose of all this is to establish stable sales and a growing company turnover. So, first of all, you need to interest buyers and form a positive opinion with them about the new store. Here you can not do without competent marketing activities, including without the proper naming.


Before you take the name of the computer store, you need to decide on the target audience. Try to understand and introduce your future customers. Will these be young, advanced people who are keenly interested in all the new products that appear? Or are they rather ordinary users who need machines to work at home with documents and surf the Internet?

A lot depends on the portrait of the potential client - after all, it will be he who will evaluate the name of the computer store, and his interest and trust will depend on how attractive it will be for him.


Correctly name a computer store is not so difficult. The main difficulty is to avoid repetitions and variations of the names of already existing companies.

Therefore, to start, make a list of the names of your competitors (based on the results of search queries, as an option). After that, you can start generating ideas. To do this, you can follow several scenarios:

-playing computer topics (remember as many words as possible related to computers - models, names of spare parts, common slang expressions) and select from them the most vivid, capacious and understandable to a wide range of people;

-beat the very scope of services - the purchase of equipment, helping people, training, transferring new knowledge, etc. Thematic verbs and verb adjectives are well suited for these variations.

Having decided on the name, do not forget to check how it sounds when pronounced out loud (after all, managers will have to introduce themselves over the phone) and inclines.


Using the names of existing stores, you violate copyrights.

Useful advice

Try to find the original name - a thematic word that everyone is hearing.
