Business management

How to name a children's store

How to name a children's store

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The name of the store is a determining factor in the success of the business as a whole. In Soviet times, the name of the supermarket, the store did not matter. Although in Europe during this period, personal boutiques and shops were already opening. The names of children's stores have never been particularly original. Now you can distinguish yourself, so as not to merge with thousands of such stores.


You will need

  • - fantasy

  • - idea

Instruction manual


The name of the store should evoke positive emotions. Do not call the store "Barmaley" or "Karabas - Barabas": perhaps this will scare away potential customers.


Choose a name that is easy to pronounce, short, concise. Remember, the target audience is children and adolescents.


For a children's store, proper names are not suitable: "Olya", "Masha". The name of the children's store must necessarily be echoed with children's themes. Possibly the Doll Masha.


If you decide to fill out the name of the store in a foreign language, be sure to look in the dictionary for the exact translation. It often happens that in a foreign language the word sounds beautiful, bright, memorable, and the meaning of the word does not fit the name of the children's store.


Remember, the name of the store should consist of Russian or foreign letters. The combination of multilingual letters is unacceptable (if formalized).

Useful advice

Think over the name of the store well. Leave 2–3 variants of the name in reserve, perhaps, during registration, the name you have chosen is already taken.

Before opening the store, come up with a children's contest with symbolic gifts for the participants. Let everyone choose a name for the future store. So you can choose the name, and attract the attention of customers.

  • Useful Tips
  • names of children's stores
