
How to name a library

How to name a library

Video: Photoshop Libraries (Definitely not as boring as the name sounds!) 2024, July

Video: Photoshop Libraries (Definitely not as boring as the name sounds!) 2024, July

A library, like any other public institution, can have a unique name. An interesting, memorable name will attract the attention of readers and increase library attendance.


Instruction manual


For a children's library, you can choose a name associated with a character or work familiar to most young readers. For children, this will be an additional incentive to visit this institution. If the choice fell on the first option, give preference to the hero, known for his curiosity and well-read. For example, this may be the famous character Znayka from the book of Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends."


Often libraries are named after prominent writers or poets. You can do the same. Use the name of the brilliant classic or a worthy modern writer who glorified your city as a name.


If you are passionate about creating your own home library, you can also choose a name for it. Of course, basically only your family and friends will know about this name. But perhaps this step will set them on a more careful and respectful attitude towards the book collection. For the name of your personal library, select the name of your favorite writer or hero of the work.


Often, various public institutions are named after people who have made a significant contribution to their development. If such a person exists in the history of the library, select his last name as the name. For example, it can be a figure who organized this book depository or collected the bulk of publications.


A small library specializing in the issuance of publications for personal use for a certain period of time may have a name associated with a careful attitude to books. For example, "Good hands."


The name of an outstanding figure who has devoted his life to a science can serve as a name for a library that collects specialized publications devoted to this scientific field. For example, a library with medical literature can be named in honor of the Russian physiologist Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov.
