Business management

How to write an institution development program

How to write an institution development program

Video: ICD Islamic Financial Institutions Development Program 2024, July

Video: ICD Islamic Financial Institutions Development Program 2024, July

An institution development program is similar to a business plan. Only it describes not just the items of expenses and income, but also the stages that the company must go through to achieve the intended goal, as well as the methods that are planned to be used.


You will need

Microsoft Power Point Program.

Instruction manual


To write an institution development program, develop the basic goals of your organization. For example, it can be the provision of quality services and a certain profit. Think about what needs to be done to achieve these goals.


Point by point, describe the main stages of achieving the main goals of the company. Include everything: the selection of professional employees, competitor analysis, marketing research of the needs of the client audience, improving the quality of services or introducing new technologies.


If your institution already exists, ask managers in all areas to send you suggestions for the development of the company. This will help to understand the real needs of the departments, ways to improve their work and the methods that should be used to achieve the main goals. Most likely, during this survey, additional (secondary) goals will be found out, or even another main one will appear. Be sure to include them in the development program.


Having marked the goals and stages of their achievement, proceed to the methods. You can improve the skills of employees with the help of trainings. Improve motivation by entering bonuses. Competitor analysis will help you learn how to modify a product or service so that the expense is less and the income is greater. For each stage entered in the development program, indicate as many methods as possible. If you are lucky and the first one introduced is successful, the rest will not be needed. Otherwise, you will have several more options for solving the task.


Before approving a management development program or putting it into action, let it “lie down” for two or three days. After that, read it again. If none of the items raises questions, then you have correctly drawn up the program and it will really work.

Useful advice

If the institution’s development program requires approval from company management, make it as clear as possible. Build it in Power Point using charts, graphs, and photographs.
