
How to write a sales letter

How to write a sales letter

Video: How To Write A Sales Letter 2024, July

Video: How To Write A Sales Letter 2024, July

Most internet marketing entrepreneurs use sales letters. Some businessmen grow sales, while others do not. The reason is simple: the former are able to write advertising texts.


You will need

Computer, internet.

Instruction manual


Analyze the product being sold. Reading a couple of articles and then rewriting them in your own words is not enough. Examine the maximum points of view regarding your product, find information on the forums, study specialized groups of social networks.


Write an author article based on this data. Sound the problem your product can solve. Light it from different angles and prove that your product, of course, is not a panacea, but if you choose from all possible options, then it is better to choose it. The deeper your knowledge of the material, the more likely it is that the article will not be like many similar materials on the Internet. Consequently, the chances are that the product will be bought from you.


Make a marketing headline. As a rule, it is he who influences whether the advertising letter will be read or the recipient will immediately send it to the basket. The title should be bright, intriguing, truthful. It should include such moments as the price (if it is, of course, low), bonuses, discounts, etc.


Pay attention to the design. If there is nothing to look down in your letter, this is a sure loss. Refuse from the other extreme: do not make every line of your text a “masterpiece of design thought”. Look for a middle ground.


Choose a standard font. If you want to highlight something, do not change its color. Better use the usual formatting (underline, bold text, italics). It is advisable to use nice illustrations made in soft colors. At the same time, pay attention to display each picture in your letter.


Get your reader interested in stocks. Offer discounts to regular subscribers, develop a bonus program for them.


Keep track of the spelling, punctuation and style of your letters. Some buyers will turn their back on a businessman writing illiterate texts. They will decide that if a person cannot trace errors in the text, then most likely he will offer a bad product.

Useful advice

When specifying the price in a sales letter, start from its value. Place the low price at the beginning of the text, the middle - in the middle, the high - at the end.

Selling Letters
