Business management

How to write a store business plan

How to write a store business plan

Video: How to write a Retail Store Business Plan by Paul Borosky, MBA. – Retail Store Business Plan Tips. 2024, July

Video: How to write a Retail Store Business Plan by Paul Borosky, MBA. – Retail Store Business Plan Tips. 2024, July

A business plan is a detailed description of the proposed business, with which you can choose the most realistic, affordable and effective way to achieve the planned result. This document is at the same time an element of planning, and a kind of "standard" by which it will be possible to compare what has been achieved with what was intended. For example, a novice businessman decided to open a store.


Instruction manual


Think in what form your store will exist, whether it be a small kiosk, an ordinary store or a whole supermarket. Based on this, as well as the location of the store, calculate the rent.


If this is not a supermarket, decide what the specialization of the store will be, what range of goods will be presented there: food, household goods, clothing, shoes, electrical goods, etc.


In the event that you plan to trade in clothes or shoes, you need to decide: what target audience to focus on. That is, what assortment to give preference to - products for children, for adolescents, for youth, people of mature age or for the elderly? Or act on the principle: "little by little"?


If you plan to open a boutique selling luxury expensive clothes, jewelry or underwear, you need to especially consider the following issues. Will such products find steady demand, especially in times of economic crisis? Will it be possible to rent a room for this boutique in the most prestigious area? Are there other boutiques with similar assortment and prices, and how many are there?


Carefully consider the costs necessary for the store to start working. In addition to the rent already mentioned, add the cost of the necessary equipment, security, expenses for paying the necessary licenses, purchasing the initial batches of products and paying staff (sellers, movers, etc.). Of course, the staff will have to pay special attention, because in order for a store to be popular with buyers, sellers must be polite and qualified. To do this, you need to inquire in advance what is the average market cost of paying a good seller in your area.


In conclusion, it is necessary to calculate how long (at least approximately) the store must recoup all the costs invested in it and begin to make a profit. And also, of course, what rate of return it is desirable to achieve.


Of course, it is impossible to foresee all the little things in advance and predict all the "pitfalls". But at least such an indicative business plan will help to avoid many mistakes.
