
How to find a construction company

How to find a construction company

Video: How to get a CONSTRUCTION Job in 2020 2024, July

Video: How to get a CONSTRUCTION Job in 2020 2024, July

Now in the market of construction services a huge number of organizations and firms engaged in repair and construction work are represented. How not to make a mistake in choosing and not pay twice for poorly performed work? Just find a good construction company.


Instruction manual


Start your search by collecting information about the construction services market in your area, and don’t call the first ad you get. In this case, the chance that you will contact a reliable company is small, even if all the media and all stands in your village are filled with advertising for this company.


Make a list of all the companies in your city or area. Please note that the narrow specialization of the company does not mean poor or good quality of the services provided.


Make an estimate so that, according to the data collected, be aware of the approximate cost of a set of services that you need.


Contact one of the companies. Immediately ask if the construction organization has licenses and permits for the work specified in the price list of the company. Ask how long she provides these services. Of course, organizations that have been working in this service sector for several years deserve more trust than beginners. If builders or finishers came from the countries of the Near Abroad, think a hundred times before hiring them. In addition to the mass of overhead costs, you can be annoyed by the low quality of their work, at least because only a few of them have a license to carry them out.


Ask for a review book or contact in advance to gather information about the company to its former customers. Personally verify the quality of the work done by visiting one or two objects that the company built or repaired.


Find out what materials and equipment are commonly used in the course of work.


If you are satisfied with the quality of services provided by one of the companies, discuss the following points with its representatives before entering into an agreement:

- operating schedule;

- scope of work;

- supply of materials (Sometimes customers themselves provide workers with everything necessary.);

- possible excess of the initial estimate;

- disposal of construction waste.


Conclude a contract.
