
How to find a good translator for negotiations

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How to find a good translator for negotiations

Video: 5 Negotiation Tactics to Help You Get Your Way 2024, July

Video: 5 Negotiation Tactics to Help You Get Your Way 2024, July

Thousands of translators are published annually in Russia. It would seem that a person received a professional education and speaks foreign languages. But in reality it often turns out that a specialist diploma is not all. Finding a good translator for business negotiations can be difficult. To prevent negotiations from becoming a nightmare, you should adhere to some criteria when choosing a translator.


The history of the profession of translator is deeply rooted in history. One can even assume that the first interpreters of speech appeared back in biblical times, when, judging by the legend, God was angry with people and created multilingualism. It was the translators who became the salvation for people who no longer understood each other. They were called differently: tolmaks, basmachs, interpreters. But the essence of the profession was one - to mediate in the conversation of two or more people who speak different languages. As you know, in the old days the profession of translator was quite dangerous. For the distorted delivery of the speech of foreigners at important state negotiations, the interpreter could be tortured and even executed. To avoid circumstances in which the outcome of negotiations can be a failure, it is necessary to adhere to some rules when selecting a specialist.


First of all, you need to remember that if a translator speaks a foreign language, this does not mean that he can make translations on any subject. And if you come across a universal translator who is ready to translate any complexity and direction, you should think twice before hiring him. The language material on a specialized topic contains a huge number of terms in which the translator should, if not understand, then at least not get lost. This is especially true of transfers on economic, legal, banking and technical topics. After all, a misunderstood meaning can turn into a series of mistakes. Therefore, looking for an interpreter to participate in business negotiations, decide what will be discussed, and what kind of issues will be discussed, and choose an interpreter of the appropriate specialization.

Simultaneous or consecutive translation?

You also need to decide what kind of translation a specialist should carry out. There are two types of interpretation: sequential and simultaneous. In a sequential translation, negotiators make small segments of speech, preferably 5-6 sentences each, and then pause so that the translator can translate what was said. Naturally, such negotiations last longer, but the accuracy of the translation will be higher. Simultaneous translation assumes that the translator translates simultaneously with the speaker’s speech, with a difference of several seconds. This type of translation requires additional multimedia equipment and isolation of the translator. It must be understood that in an office environment, even in a separate room, simultaneous translation is not possible.

Own resources

Sometimes companies, trying to reduce the cost of hiring staff, involve their employees who speak a foreign language. This position is erroneous. Not every person, even fluent in a foreign language, can perform interpretation at a professional level. To convey the meaning, perhaps yes. To translate for sure is unlikely. It is not for nothing that students of translation faculties have been studying the translation technique, its linguistic aspects, various sections of the grammar of Russian and a foreign language for many years, including stylistics of speech, lexicology, etc. How to convey humor to a person? How to get around the hot spots, often concerning the cultural and ethical differences of the negotiators? There is only one answer: for the result of the meeting to suit you, you need a specialist translator.
