
How to start taxing

How to start taxing

Video: How to Start a Tax Practice Part 1: Should You Start a Tax Practice? 2024, July

Video: How to Start a Tax Practice Part 1: Should You Start a Tax Practice? 2024, July

Now taxi services are provided by both large organizations and individual entrepreneurs. Therefore, you can go under the wing of an already formed company or register as an individual entrepreneur and tax yourself.


You will need

  • - registration of an individual entrepreneur;

  • - Registration with the tax service and social funds;

  • - license;

  • - body check;

  • - inspection;

  • - car;

  • -taximeter;

  • signal light

Instruction manual


In order to do your business, register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. If you are going to attract employees, arrange a legal entity, if you tax yourself - IP. Individual entrepreneurs pay less taxes, and accounting is easier for them.


After registration, go to the local tax office in your area to register and find out how to pay taxes. Typically, individual entrepreneurs pay a single tax, that is, a fixed amount of money. In addition, individual entrepreneurs are required to pay contributions to the Pension Fund and the Social Security Fund. For settlements with legal entities and funds by bank transfer, open a bank account.


To work as a taxi, equip the car with a counter (taximeter), a signal yellow light and acquire contrasting colorographic schemes (checkers). Go through a physical examination and get the appropriate certificate of the opportunity to work as a taxi driver. If you intend to work in tandem with other taxi drivers and a dispatcher, conclude a lease agreement for the radio station and radio support.


According to the latest changes in Russian legislation, from September 1, 2011, to provide taxi services, you need to obtain a special permit for this type of activity (license). For a license, contact the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In each region, he has his own.


To issue a license (permission to provide taxi services) write an application and provide a package of documents. Depending on the region, the list of required documents may vary, but as a rule, you will need to present a passport, a copy of the certificate of registration of the technical equipment and extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Entrepreneurs (Unified Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs). Remember also to check the vehicle every 6 months.
