
How to measure the floor space

How to measure the floor space

Video: How Much Flooring Should I Buy? - How to Measure a Floor 2024, July

Video: How Much Flooring Should I Buy? - How to Measure a Floor 2024, July

Trading space is an important indicator on the basis of which calculations are made. Profit, cost, profitability and many economic indicators are calculated using this value.


Instruction manual


First, understand what is included in this concept. According to the Tax Code, the retail area means the part of the store that is used for displaying and demonstrating goods, equipment location, settlements and other operations related to customer service.


Take a plan of the object and mark on it places that fall under the term. They have to be measured. If there are several such parts, then after finding the indicator of the trading area of ​​each of them, the values ​​will need to be added up.


If the room has a square or rectangular shape with even edges and angles of 90 °, then the area is calculated by multiplying the length and width of the horizontal floor surface. However, in practice such cases are rare.


Find the area of ​​an uneven figure by the following algorithm. Select a rectangular area, first calculate its area value, and then find this indicator in relation to the remaining piece. As a rule, the second section will have the shape of a triangle, rhombus or parallelogram, so use one of the formulas: - triangle - S = √p (pa) (pb) (pc), where a, b and c are the lengths of the sides of the triangle, p - half-perimeter; - rhombus - S = ½ a * b, where a and b are the diagonal lengths of the rhombus; - parallelogram - S = b * h, where b is the length of one of the sides of the figure, and h is the height drawn to the side.


Subtract the area of ​​the elevator shafts, columns, flights of stairs, risers, which are not related to the indicator of the trading area, from the value of the found value.


There are several techniques for calculating retail space, but the use of Western standards, which, incidentally, are created in the interests of stores, is only advisory in nature. Their use as a basis for the calculation of taxes by state bodies is not welcome.

how to calculate the retail space
