Business management

How to look for new customers

How to look for new customers

Video: How to Find New Customers and Increase Sales 2024, July

Video: How to Find New Customers and Increase Sales 2024, July

The most important question of any business is the search for a market. Without clients, any undertaking in the field of entrepreneurship does not make sense. The question of where and how to find your client is a stumbling block for most companies.


You will need

  • - knowledge of the target audience;

  • - advertising.

Instruction manual


First you need to determine your target audience. Think about what your customers are, whom you help your product or service with, what kind of product they want to purchase, what qualities it should have.


Next, you need to determine where you can most often meet your customers.


When the places of concentration of potential buyers of goods or services are found, place a point of sale or advertising there.


Advertising methods can be completely different and will depend on what you already know about your customers.

In most cases, companies need to have a website on the Internet, use contextual advertising, place ads on specialized boards and thematic resources.

Advertising and articles in local and thematic print media also should not be ignored.

Be sure to use outdoor advertising. In most cases, it is just a hint about how and where to find you, but sometimes the only effective means of informing a potential client.

If you can pull up expensive ads on radio and television, then you should use this method, the audience that will see and hear your advertisement will be much larger than in other cases.


Often, an effective method of finding customers is to hire a telephone sales manager who makes so-called cold calls and sales representatives who visit potential customers.


Having found one or two points of sale of products, do not stop there, developing the existing points of sale, because these sources of sales can dry out. The search for new customers should not be done from time to time, but always.

Useful advice

Use different methods of finding customers at the same time, this will allow you to inform your target audience as much as possible.

Looking for new customers, do not forget to keep in touch with those who have already used your product or service, because on their advice many people may come to you.
