Business management

How to store goods in stock

How to store goods in stock

Video: How to Store eBay Inventory | Over 500+ Items Listed 2024, July

Video: How to Store eBay Inventory | Over 500+ Items Listed 2024, July

The organization of storage of goods in a warehouse should be correctly defined and aimed at a longer period of preserving the consumer qualities of products. However, there are several different approaches for the proper placement of goods in a warehouse.


Instruction manual


Choose the most suitable method of product placement. This must be done depending on the purpose of the goods and for maximum use of the warehouse area. The last action can be performed with a rational arrangement of certain sections and departments that are provided for storing goods.


Protect the goods from damage, as well as make any cell in the warehouse as accessible as possible for transport equipment intended for shipment of goods. This will allow you to quickly find the right product.


You can use the following methods of storing goods: batch, varietal, batch-varietal or by name. In turn, the batch method provides for separate storage for each batch of goods received at the warehouse. Moreover, one consignment of goods may include goods of various types and names.


Varietal method of storage of goods involves their separate placement depending on the types and varieties of products. But with the batch-varietal method, each batch of goods arriving at the warehouse should be stored separately, and inside the batch the products must be disassembled separately by variety and variety.


You can use the easiest way to store goods in a warehouse - by name. In this case, the goods of each item must be stored separately.


Develop a product layout. This will allow you to quickly place products, make the necessary selection and provide the required storage conditions. Provide permanent places for storing goods and the ability to install video surveillance of their safety.


When developing schemes, take into account the volume and frequency of receipt and shipment of products, the optimal methods of location and stacking, the conditions for their subsequent shipments, and for specific types of products - the "right neighborhood".
