
How to take a photo for a restaurant

How to take a photo for a restaurant

Video: 6 Tips for Restaurant FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY 2024, July

Video: 6 Tips for Restaurant FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY 2024, July

The main pride of the restaurant is its cuisine. Beautifully decorated dishes, exquisite decorations for cocktails, surprises from the chef require high-quality photography to advertise a tasty place. Food from booklets or monitors should be requested by potential visitors by mouth. That is why it is important for a photographer or restaurant manager to know how to take photos for a restaurant.


You will need

  • - a camera;

  • - a lens for portrait and macro photography;

  • - a protective filter for the lens glass;

  • - a small tripod;

  • - beautiful dishes from the restaurant menu.

Instruction manual


Get the equipment you need for a delicious photo shoot. It is not necessary to use a professional camera, you can get a great image with a digital “soap box” with a removable lens. Indeed, a small tripod can come in handy so that the camera becomes stable, and the photos for the restaurant are clear, without blur.


To take a photo for a restaurant, take a seat by the window or on the veranda. A well-lit area eliminates the need for a flash, which can create ugly glare on food or a glare from the glossy surface of a plate or table. Place the plate on the most attractive side of the dish towards the lens.


When the sun provides enough light, use a slow shutter speed (1/250 to 1/1000) and a small aperture (1.8 - 2.8). Such settings are built in a manual photographing mode. They allow you to achieve good focus on the subject and excellent depth of field.


It is not always possible to take a photo for a restaurant in daylight or using a flash. It seems that the situation for a successful image is unfavorable, but this is far from the case. Use manual mode to configure the necessary parameters. Be sure to set the high sensitivity (at least 1000 in low light), which is indicated on the camera as the ISO value. Just do not abuse it, otherwise you will get a lot of noise or grains in the photo.


If possible, use the flash, make it a little muffled and compensate for a more open aperture. Remember that when shooting with the camera’s built-in flash at close range, you will get either excess reflections or a completely blurred image.


For a quality photo for the restaurant, carefully look around the "surroundings". Protect the main character of the frame from extra hands, crumbs or stains on the tablecloth, fingerprints on a plate or glass. Refuse to photograph a half-eaten dish, often in life it looks more appetizing than in subsequent photographs. An exception may be, for example, a puff cake, which must be captured “from the inside”.


Mount the camera on a tripod in advance, that is, when a hot meal is brought in, you can take a shot “in the heat of the heat”. For complex dishes (salad with pasta, curry, etc.), use a minimalistic monophonic decor: white plates, simple appliances, a tablecloth. But bright dishes will make simple dishes more appetizing.
