
What is entrepreneurial ability

What is entrepreneurial ability

Video: Entrepreneurial skills 2024, July

Video: Entrepreneurial skills 2024, July

Different people express diametrically opposed opinions on whether entrepreneurial ability is an innate or acquired quality of personality. What kind of ability is this and where does it come from?


According to the dictionary, entrepreneurial ability is a set of qualities and skills that allow a person to make reasonable, effective business decisions aimed at increasing profits and optimizing commercial risks. But a huge number of entrepreneurs are not identical to the real number of people with entrepreneurial ability.

Many people try to engage in entrepreneurship, but in the end, their business quickly collapses, it turns out to be unprofitable. Even various courses, trainings and university programs do not help. Why, then, are some people without a single diploma successful in their business, while others who have spent a lot of time and money on their studies are left with nothing?

The thing is that the character of a successful entrepreneur must have special personality traits that are impossible (or very difficult) to develop in themselves.

For example, a good entrepreneur should:

- be responsible, independent, hardworking, self-confident, loving people, ethical;

- have a strong will, emotional stability, leadership qualities;

- be absorbed in your business, customer-oriented;

- be able to contact people, choose a team, motivate the work of the team, control the work of the team;

- be open to creativity, new ideas and approaches;

- listen to other people's opinions, be prepared for self-sacrifice for the interests of the cause, the team;

- be able to analyze, plan, predict;

- have economic thinking;

- be able to think like a buyer (client);

- be savvy in legal matters.

Therefore, many experts believe that the notorious commercial streak is still an inborn quality of personality that some people have by nature, while others will never appear. Entrepreneurial ability is a rare gift, as well as the ability to sing or draw beautifully. If you want to do business with all your heart, believe in yourself and feel that you have entrepreneurial ability in yourself - do not back down from your goals! Remember that each person should do his own business - what he does best and what gives him real pleasure.
