
What is entrepreneurial activity

What is entrepreneurial activity

Video: Entrepreneurial Activities 2024, June

Video: Entrepreneurial Activities 2024, June

Many dream of doing business in order to work for themselves, not to depend on the decisions of the boss. But not everyone is fully aware of what exactly is entrepreneurial activity, what risks and responsibilities fall on the shoulders of the entrepreneur.


Entrepreneurship or entrepreneurial activity is one of the types of independent economic activity carried out on an ongoing basis. Free enterprise is the most important principle of capitalism (a market economic system).

Entrepreneurship is aimed at making a profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the provision of services or the performance of work by registered legal entities or individual entrepreneurs. This type of activity is registered and performed by the entrepreneur’s own efforts. It should be remembered that entrepreneurial activity is inevitably associated with various risks that a competent entrepreneur seeks to optimize.

The entrepreneur independently registers the organization, using his own or borrowed funds, invests in the project and launches it, assuming all the risks associated with the effectiveness of the business idea. Entrepreneurial activity is extremely responsible, since the entrepreneur bears full legal responsibility for the results of the financial and economic activities of the established business.

Not everyone will be able to successfully engage in entrepreneurship. In order to benefit in the entrepreneurial field, you need to have entrepreneurial abilities - a set of special qualities, such as leadership qualities, the ability to persuade and find an approach to any person, innovation, innovative thinking, tenacity of mind, resourcefulness, the desire to expand the scope and scope of activity, talent for vision prospects and objective external circumstances, etc.

In a word, many will be able to engage in entrepreneurial activity, but only a few - the most capable entrepreneurs - will pay back the investments and begin to regularly receive the necessary level of profit.

  • Psychological features of the entrepreneur
  • The essence of business
