
What is a business case?

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What is a business case?

Video: What is a Business Case? Project Management in Under 5 2024, July

Video: What is a Business Case? Project Management in Under 5 2024, July

In order for your own business to constantly evolve, and the company you created kept afloat, you must have business skills. Therefore, business training has become incredibly popular, and its part is working with business cases.


Business training is a new direction for Russian pedagogy. It is based on a combination of methods of theoretical impact and practical use of knowledge gained. Often, at the first stages of learning management and administration systems, educators and business trainers suggest using the business case method. Invented at Harvard University, this method not only helps to learn the methods of successful business, but also to analyze situations that were in the practice of real firms.

It has become incredibly popular in schools that provide business training, as well as in training centers and some recruiting agencies.

Bicness case

The term business case is defined as the training situation that has occurred in an existing company. A business case is not an artificial situation created by a teacher, and this is its special practical significance and uniqueness.

A business case is used to determine the student’s knowledge of a particular business process, as well as the ability to think outside the box, analyze and make decisions in real conditions, work in a team, maneuver, draw conclusions and propose solutions.

A business case is a comprehensive review of a particular situation that has occurred in a particular company. The situation includes many components: information about the internal situation of the company, personnel reserve and potential, often interpersonal relationships of the team, founders, partners, about its external affairs, closest competitors, analytical data, and how the company changed over the course of its existence under the influence of external factors.

The value of the method lies in the fact that the solution proposed by students can be compared with the solution that the company found to solve the problem. Moreover, teachers usually have information on the further development of events, which allows us to say whether the company responded correctly or whether the students’decision would be preferable.
