
5 cool projects that failed on Kickstarter

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5 cool projects that failed on Kickstarter

Video: 5 Video Game Kickstarters That Ran Away with your Money! | Dan Ibbertson 2024, July

Video: 5 Video Game Kickstarters That Ran Away with your Money! | Dan Ibbertson 2024, July

Kickstarter is a unique crowd platform where anyone can raise money for the implementation of their project. The steeper the idea itself and its presentation, the more potential people will donate their money for its implementation. But not without paradoxes. In the history of Kickstarter, there were several truly unique projects that collected fabulous amounts, but ultimately failed.


Coolest Cooler Refrigerator

It was not just an idea. The Coolest Cooler refrigerator could become a dream come true for all those who love to travel and just go outdoors. Convenient and compact, this wonderful gadget should not just cool food. It was assumed that the refrigerator could crack ice, mix cocktails, play music, charge gadgets, and also serve as a cutting table and a container for storing dishes. The prospect of taking a coolest cooler to a picnic instead of a dozen packs seemed so tempting to many that more than $ 13 million was collected in a month. No one received anything when the deadline for submitting applications came. Those wishing to buy a new product patiently waited until, finally, the refrigerator went on sale, however, its price was three times higher than the originally announced. Manufacturers tried to justify the high cost of delivery, but the fact was obvious: the project owners simply miscalculated.

Nano drone zano

At the time, this project was a real favorite on the kickstarter crowdfunding platform. The developers have prepared a truly interesting proposal: a unique nano-drone that fits in the palm of your hand can take high-resolution pictures from a bird's eye view and work without recharging for about a quarter of an hour. For the production of the baby Zano, the authors of the project needed a little less than $ 200, 000: according to their assurances, everything was ready for release - from parts to packaging. Potential buyers so wanted to get nano-drones that as a result, a record amount for the portal was collected for Kickstarter in a few weeks at $ 3.5 million

Users patiently waited for their gadgets - more than 12, 000 pre-orders were issued. But when it was time for delivery, customers didn’t get what they expected. The nano-drone took off only a few centimeters, stayed in flight no longer than a minute, and even more so, there was no talk of any high-quality shooting. Mass complaints and refunds of the purchase first led to excuses and new promises from the manufacturer. However, this did not last long: soon the drone developers completely disappeared. It is assumed that they turned out to be commonplace scammers simply wasting all their money.

Skarp Laser Shaver

Some projects seem so desirable that people are ready to turn a blind eye to their complete non-viability. The Skarp Laser Shaver is a prime example. The creators of the project "played" on the main male "pain" - daily shaving. An innovative razor was supposed to gently cut hair without a single cut. About $ 4 million was raised for its creation. The “materiel” absolutely did not bother anyone: theoretically, a sufficiently strong laser pulse is required to remove hair, in which burns are inevitable. How the authors of the project answered this question is unknown, but people blindly believed them. The fact that for the entire time of collecting money on the official website did not appear a single video or real photo with the Skarp razor was not alarming. Needless to say, a laser razor was never produced? This project turned out to be commonplace fraud.

Virtual game Ant Simulator

Fraud is only half the trouble. The real misfortune is when alcohol and profligacy mix with this. This is what can be said about the creators of the game Ant Simulator. It was based on an interesting idea - building a virtual universe in which a player could try to live as an ant. The game was based on long-term observations of ant farms, so the players had to "live" the full life of these smartest insects - to participate in wars, create colonies, build housing and get food. To enhance the effect, virtual reality glasses were attached to the game. And although the amount of the kickstarter fee was not very large - about $ 4 thousand - the creators of the game were not able to spend even this money with benefit. One of the developers admitted that his partners simply skipped these funds.
