
Reporting to the FIU in 2016: what is volatility?

Reporting to the FIU in 2016: what is volatility?

Video: Volatility 2024, July

Video: Volatility 2024, July

In 2014, the reporting form for the FIU on the paid insurance premiums for employees was significantly simplified. But in 2016, due to the latest changes in the field of reporting in the FIU, accountants will have more work.


At the end of 2015, the State Duma almost unanimously approved the bill, which provides for the monthly reporting of companies on insurance contributions to the FIU. Now the reporting period is a quarter and companies that attract employees are required to provide information on assessed and paid contributions based on the results of the first quarter, six months, three quarters and a year.

From April 2016, employers will have to report monthly. The reporting form has not yet been approved. But it is assumed that it will have a simplified form. In the monthly report it will be necessary to indicate the full name insured persons, their SNILS and TIN. The report should indicate all persons working under labor contracts, as well as contract agreements, etc.

What are these innovations for? They are connected with the fact that since 2016 the indexation of pensions to working pensioners has been canceled. It is to identify the list of working people of retirement age and introduced monthly reporting.

The report in the FIU will need to be submitted by the 10th day of the next month. For example, a May report must be submitted before June 10th. For violation of the deadlines for reporting or providing an incomplete list of insured persons, a fine of 500 r.

In the future, it is supposed not only to abolish the indexation of pensions for working pensioners, but also to completely deprive the money of those whose salaries exceed a certain threshold. Therefore, it is likely that the reporting will contain the size of the income of insured persons.

PFR reporting for 9 months of 2013
