
How to open a business in a small town

How to open a business in a small town

Video: How to innovate small towns | Sydney Lai | TEDxRedding 2024, July

Video: How to innovate small towns | Sydney Lai | TEDxRedding 2024, July

Opening a business in a small city requires a particularly careful approach to choosing a business idea that will work in it. The most useful, creative idea that would be in demand in a metropolis in a small town has a very big chance to fail, despite the active attraction of customers. However, this does not mean that business in a small city is most likely not successful: small cities have their own pros and cons for business, in addition, there is a certain number of ideas that will most likely work in a small city.


Instruction manual


The small size of the city means that when creating a business, the founder will face the following problems:

1. few consumers - thus, it makes no sense to open, for example, a highly specialized store (handmade cosmetics, etc.).

2. few highly qualified workers. The most qualified personnel work in the capital or in regional centers. Whatever salary you offer, people will not be able to work better than they know how.

3. a small city - a space where everyone knows everyone. Therefore, if someone starts a rumor that he was poisoned in your cafe, half a city will definitely not go into it. On the other hand, there is a plus in this, as rumors of a new good institution spread quickly.


In small cities, there are certain advantages for business:

1. cheap labor. In general, salaries in small cities are lower than in large cities, so personnel costs are lower.

2. low rental prices.

3. The lack of successful companies that have established themselves in the market. It would be quite a profitable solution to open an inexpensive supermarket in the city, where Pyaterochka has not yet arrived and where, in principle, there are few or no supermarkets.

All these advantages will allow you to start a business with a relatively small starting capital.


Anyone who decided to open a business in a small city will have to say goodbye to the ideas of opening highly specialized institutions. No matter how you want to open a fitness center for women, where you could do aerobics, yoga and Pilates, in a small city this is unlikely to work. It’s easier not to come up with needs, but to find unsatisfied, which are many.


To find such a need, look at the city forum, newspapers with ads, just walk around the city. What do its inhabitants need? It will be enough to single out at least five unmet needs, and then choose from them the one that is easier and more interesting for you to satisfy.


It is important to consider the specifics of the city. If it is located near the regional center, then it is possible to provide its residents with the same services that are provided in the regional center, but cheaper. In this way, you will attract customers from the regional center - they will travel to you in order to save. If the city is located in a favorable environmentally friendly place, and elite cottage villages are being built next to it, then you can safely open a restaurant, preferably with the "takeaway" service: residents of these villages will certainly drop by your side.

how to open a business in a small city
