
How to find a supplier for a store

How to find a supplier for a store

Video: How To Find Amazing Suppliers For Your Shopify Store | Shopify Dropshipping Tutorial 2024, July

Video: How To Find Amazing Suppliers For Your Shopify Store | Shopify Dropshipping Tutorial 2024, July

If you decide to open your store, your first task is to find a supplier for the store, and this task is not very simple. The stores themselves do not share such secrets, fearing competition, and good suppliers are not very willing to cooperate with partners who are just starting to work - their volumes are small.


Instruction manual


Suppliers come in three categories. The most preferable, although the most expensive, are producers of goods. The second category includes dealers and distributors, officially representing manufacturing companies. They are not so demanding on investing money. The third category is resellers, the most undemanding, but also the most unreliable category.


As for manufacturers, it will not be difficult for you to find such a supplier - just look at the packaging of your favorite product. It usually indicates the name, address and email address or site. Your task will be to overcome the resistance and conclude a contract, as suppliers strive to work only with large wholesalers. But be sure to check the availability of certificates from the manufacturer, since it is quite difficult to do product certification on your own.


You can make an official dealer choice by typing the product name in the browser search bar and adding the word "wholesale" to it. But the problem is that not always those enterprises that will be indicated in the first lines of the query result are indeed official suppliers and will be able to work with you by bank transfer, as with a legal entity.


The Information and Methodological Center "Expertise" will help you in finding suppliers, it has a database of registries of Rospotrebnadzor and the sanitary-epidemiological service of Russia. You need to use it using queries. If you, for example, are interested in products of a particular brand, in the search bar on the site, type http://fp.crc.ru/fr/?oper=s&type=min&pdk=on&pril=on&text=%F2%E5%EB%E5%E2% E8% E7% EE% F0% FB + brand name. Upon request, you will be given the names and addresses of sales representatives.


Be careful about choosing a supplier from the third category - intermediaries. As a rule, they do not bear any responsibility for the quality of the goods and cannot guarantee it. The goods can be delivered to you without any accompanying documentation and warranty.


The choice of supplier also depends on transport leverage and payment terms. It is clear that the closer the supplier, the lower the cost of delivery of goods. Please also note that the smaller the wholesale supplier company, the less it depends on the bank, since the cost of maintaining the device is low. Choose small companies with a good assortment - there is less likelihood that the bank will direct your money transferred for goods to payroll arrears.

Information and Methodological Center "Expertise"
