
How to create an online club

How to create an online club

Video: How to Run an Online Book Club | Lauren and the Books 2024, July

Video: How to Run an Online Book Club | Lauren and the Books 2024, July

A multifunctional computer club requires more investment than a small semi-legal Internet cafe, but this is the format that allows you to work in the future, while the life of a small Internet salon in a basement rarely exceeds one or two years.


You will need

  • - premises from 100 square meters;

  • - a set of equipment - from 50 computers and accessories to them;

  • - copying equipment for copycenter equipment within the club;

  • - Three shifts of ten people in the staff.

Instruction manual


Come up with a concept for a computer club, immediately counting on a specific target audience and well imagining it. The main categories of visitors to online clubs are students who do not have their own computer and fans of network games. Therefore, the club can be made universal, or you can select a gaming zone or even create a specialized institution for gamers.


Choose a room, not forgetting for a minute that a well-chosen location of the Internet club is the basis of your future success. The main rule here is that your institution should not be far from other key points in the life of its visitors. Good hostels for the Internet club will be student dormitories, cinemas, audio and video products stores, as well as simply large shopping centers.


Buy office equipment necessary for opening a club - for a long-playing project you will need at least 50 computers. In addition, you immediately need to be prepared for upcoming technology updates and establish long-term business relationships with suppliers. A prerequisite for the supply of computers and components should be warranty service and technical support - it is impractical to organize a technical service within your institution.


Form several shifts of employees who will serve the online club. The size of the staff of your institution will vary greatly depending on the mode of its work and the set of services that you choose. A round-the-clock club, which has a bar and a copy center, will need three shifts of about ten people each.

Useful advice

The system of payment for the services of an Internet club should be automated (especially if a fairly wide range of various services is provided), otherwise it will be difficult to avoid deception by hired administrators and cashiers.

Constantly monitor all changes in the office equipment market and try to regularly update the equipment of your online club, otherwise its popularity will drop from time to time.

How to open an online club
