
How to run a store

How to run a store

Video: How to Open a Retail Store | 10 Insider Tips! 2024, July

Video: How to Open a Retail Store | 10 Insider Tips! 2024, July

In order for your business to develop successfully, you need to make a lot of effort. Illiterate leadership and the lack of competent specialists can nullify all your efforts. The most difficult and decisive stage in the development of a small store is the beginning of its work. You should give maximum attention and strength to its development.


You will need

  • - competent staff;

  • - business literature for self-development;

  • - regulatory literature.

Instruction manual


The statement "personnel decide everything" is very important for small and medium-sized businesses. Entering your store, the buyer meets the seller. Whether the client will return to you again, largely depends on the level of service. Therefore, when hiring a new seller, be very careful. Make inquiries about his education, call his previous place of work, find out the reason for his dismissal, during a casual conversation ask why this person chose this profession.


Having taken the applicant to work with a trial period, arrange for him two or three checks. Ask your friends to go to the store as buyers. Then ask them to evaluate the quality of service, speed of work, emotional atmosphere (the seller was friendly or repulsive). Based on the information received, make a personnel decision.


Go into all aspects of the work yourself. Ask questions to your employees about their decisions. Consult with a commodity specialist about updating the assortment, independently examine the surrounding infrastructure, and look at competing stores.


Constantly ensure that the trading floor is clean, cleaned, and all foreign objects (packaging, boxes, etc.) are in the utility room. Pay special attention to window dressing. Design must certainly be creative, original and one of a kind.


Another important aspect in the work of the store is the numerous inspections of sanitary control, fire protection, tax inspection. Teach the team not to leave the detailed documentation “for later”, observe sanitary and hygienic standards, and maintain order at the workplace. And you yourself will be surprised how easy it is for you to pass any test.


In parallel with disciplinary activities, study new regulations and decrees. Indeed, often entrepreneurs themselves, by ignorance of elementary rights, untie the hands of bureaucratic arbitrariness.


To effectively manage the store, regularly raise your own level of education, study business literature, attend seminars on effective personnel management, share professional experience with experienced managers.


Remember that you, as a leader, are an example for your employees. The prosperity of your business is primarily in your interest. And the employee, no matter how responsible and experienced he is, is just a performer. His interest in the success of the enterprise is much lower than yours.
